
Discovering Key Applications for Ussing Chambers

The Ussing chamber is a classic experimental apparatus used to study the transport properties and barrier functions of epithelial tissues—surfaces that line organs such as the intestines, lungs, and kidneys. By mounting a section of live tissue between two chambers, researchers can precisely control the environment on both the “mucosal” (luminal) side and the “serosal”…


Exploring Flavonoid Effects on Respiratory Epithelium: Insights Using the EasyMount Ussing Chamber

In the study “Modulation of the Respiratory Epithelium Physiology by Flavonoids—Insights from 16HBEσ Cell Model,” researchers actively examined how specific flavonoids—kaempferol, luteolin, as well as naringenin—effect the physiology of human bronchial epithelial cells. Researchers sought to understand how these compounds importantly influence multiple aspects of cell behavior. They concentrated on cell metabolic activity, proliferation, epithelial…